What’s the Quality of Your Thoughts?


Quality of thoughts determines the level of peace of mind. Negative thoughts result in negative acts which in turn causes distraction in emotions, unstable behavior,frequent mood swings, family complications, lack of trustworthiness, financial mistakes, professional brawls and so on. Healthy thoughts result in more positive outcomes, high happiness index, better health and so on. So all in all your thoughts are defining your present and your future.

There are several reasons for negative thoughts including but not limited to your circumstances, your brought up, financial situations, family conflicts, job and family complications. While you may not be able to fix these reasons, it is highly recommended to analyze your thoughts and mitigate the negative impact as much as possible. If you remove the impurities from your thoughts you would be able to have a positive, focused and prosperous mind.

How to Analyze Thoughts:

If you have seen a big aquarium, you must have noticed that the fish keep wandering here and there continuously. From right to left, bottom to up, here and there; all day long. They don’t seem to be getting any specific advantage while doing so. Same is the case with human mind. When your head is on the pillow, your brain starts wandering here and there. Several times it is processing the thoughts which shouldn’t be the point of concern at all. Though fish do not know this but you can control your wandering of brain by picking up a specific thought/subject and ask these questions:

a) Why am I thinking about this subject? Is this subject related to others? Why am I thinking negative about someone? I should mind my own business.
b) What exactly is the issue? Is this something impacting (or going to impact) me or my family? Can I define my issue/question in one sentence clearly so that I can focus on the solution?
c) How can I resolve this issues? Is this doable? If not, can I take advice from others?. If I have the solution then what are the steps which needs to be taken?

How Can I Improve the standard of Thoughts:

a) Avoid thinking about unnecessary things specially related to others. Mind your own business. Posses a focused mind.

b) Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s an insult to yourself. You are a unique soul and you are independent on your living, your decisions and your destiny.

c) Don’t think of monetary gains too much. Excessive love for money and assets is the root of most of stresses. Work on your real wealth.

d) Develop the habit of forgiving and letting things go off. If you are keeping the grudge in your brains for longer duration, you are killing yourself.Stress is a slow poison which deepens its roots your brain and destroy your physical and mental health.

e) Read quality quotes or articles on positivism and try to absorb the message. This will kill the germs of negativity.

f) Practice the habit of gratitude. Stop complaining, criticizing and blaming. When a negative thought comes in, convert it to positive by looking at the positive side of the issue.

g) Instead of thinking about your ‘wants’ too much, think about your needs. This will reduce the magnitude of your focus because usually needs are limited but wants are too many. Adapt simple life style as it reduces unnecessary socio-economical issues.

Present Is Our Only Reality :)


“The past exists only in our memories, the future only in our plans. The present is our only reality.” ~Robert Pirsig

We all want to be happy, but sometimes we hold ourselves back from that possibility!!
It is a truth that sometimes we feel overwhelmed by unpleasant thoughts and feelings.They show up like an uninvited guest when we were least expecting them. We all have that voice inside our head; and sometimes we listen even when we know we shouldn’t.
All the obstacles to happiness are about imagined future scenarios, or doubts about past choices. It is our interpretation of events that gives rise to the parallel universe in which we live. As few of us truly live within the world. Rather, we live inside the mind. The mind sticks to everything that it experiences and we feel the reverberations of each and every one of these experiences. But with this thin layer of space, we can perhaps keep the tempest that surrounds us in perspective. It is not the words, but the space between them that makes communication possible. Perhaps it is a thin layer of space between us and our lives that makes living possible.

The following are five great ways to overcome the obstacles to happiness and feelings that keep you from living fully in the present.

1) Fully embrace your feelings with openness, even the negative ones.
Embrace your feelings fully in each present moment. And let them pass when they’ve run their course.
So, if you’re feeling fear, feel it fully in the now. Without reacting to it. Remember, the only way to truly let go of feelings is to allow them to run their natural course with conscious awareness.

2) “Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.” ~Joan Borysenko

Humans are amazing creatures. We have so much potential to create, effect change, and love. We can generate and organize. We can grow and learn.The unharnessed creative potential within us also means that we have the capacity for destruction. We can start wars over words, or follow our minds into a frenzy of worry and distraction. We can keep on telling ourselves that when that one thing we want so badly happens, then everything will be better.

3) Stop looking for solutions outside of yourself.

Everything you want and need, you already have and you already are. You don’t need to project onto other things. Notice those patterns in your behaviour and give yourself permission to let them go. You are a being full of creative potential. You don’t need anything outside of yourself. You just need to tap into what’s already there.

4)“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” ~Karen Kaiser Clark

Life is unpredictable and often harsh, but whatever life throws us, we can handle it, if we just try to be a little better each day than we were the day before. Some days, it will be easier than others, but if we just put forth the tiniest of effort, maybe give some change to someone less fortunate, or smile when you don’t feel like it, things will get better. You just have to be conscious of how you approach life on a daily basis. By taking things one day at a time, with tiny improvements, you can get through anything life throws at you.

5) “Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives. There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny.” ~Steven Pressfield

Altering your life in the smallest or grandest way is so simple, but it requires you to do something you likely are already doing all of the time. Any life change requires one simple action: you to decide. There is a rich and deep aliveness that comes from following your heart, in acting on what you love despite any limitations or fears of the unknown.

In a moment of true decision where you act on what you love, you experience a feeling of freedom and aliveness that overcomes fear. Fear exists mostly in indecision, between knowing what you love and the perception that you’re unable to act on it.Perhaps that’s why it’s called “False Evidence Appearing Real.”

When you take action on what you love, whether you experience fear or not, you’ve decided with your whole being, what’s called a true decision; and it overcomes all else !!!